🥪 Research - Tools and Websites 🥪
Open Library
This is an initiative of the Internet Archive with the goal of cataloging every book ever published. It’s a good place to look if you’re on the hunt for a particular book.
Writing Realistic Injuries by Leia Fee, with additions by Susannah Shepherd
A web page with quick references for writing injuries, including head trauma, heat stroke, blood loss, and exposure to the vacuum of space.
List of research links for writing injuries
If you need some more specific information than the general stuff in the previous webpage, this is a list of links that might help you out. You’ll find articles on various types of head injuries, gunshots and stab wounds—all sorted by their place on the body—internal injuries, and more.
Willow’s Guide to Blood Loss
If you need to figure out just how much blood you can remove from your character before you kill them, and how the blood loss affects them at each stage, this will be perfect for you.
Castles, Chateaux, Chateaux Forts, and Manor Houses
Everything you ever needed to know about life surrounding the fortified homes of the middle ages. Here you can learn the anatomy of a castle, what sort of food the denizens ate, the clothes they wore, the weapons they had, how siege warfare worked, and more.
Food Timeline
A website that presents a history of food chronologically.
Military Science Fiction - Tips on Writing Military SciFi
A blog with articles meant to inform authors who are looking to write military-related subjects in their stories. There are posts relating to tactics from an individual to a company level, spaceship classifications, weapons and technology, and much more.
Scribes and Archers - Worldbuilding category
A blog with articles on various aspects of worldbuilding and related subjects. The other categories on this blog may be useful to writers as well.
A Collection of Unmitigated Pedantry - Resources for World-Builders
A blog with a handful of articles that worldbuilders may find useful, or at least interesting to read.
MEGA folder of language and linguistic references/resources/research
A big folder full of PDFs regarding language and linguistics, sorted by continent, as well as constructed languages from popular fictional worlds.
/r/Worldbuilding Resources Master List
A document full of resource links regarding worldbuilding. Enjoy the rabbit hole.
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I have also compiled the above resources into a single Google document, if you would prefer to browse through the lists that way. The link can be found here: Sandwich's Writing Resources Compilation Link